As we are now halfway through the first term, it is an appropriate time for both students and parents to check in on their learning. For students, it is around this time that their first assessments have or are soon to be completed, and given most students have between five to ten subjects depending on their year level, it is important that they have begun to establish regular patterns in their study routines.

Students can check on their learning progress through the class resources in SIMON, as well as reviewing the new data analytics in their student profile. Similarly, parents can log into PAM and check their child’s Learning Tasks to identify when assessments are occurring and the results of any previous assessment. Parents can also email their child’s teacher through the PAM portal if there are any concerns, or book a Parent Student Teacher Interview for the end of term.

As parents of secondary age children, it can be a difficult dance in supporting teens through their learning. It is imperative to be sensitive to their want to be independent, whilst putting structures and support around them. Emphasising and valuing the importance of education as well as discussing with your child their aspirations can help encourage learning. Keeping open communications with both your child and their class teachers, as well as creating a stimulating home learning environment are ways to build up a child’s attitude towards their schooling. Encouraging a balance in after school routines, with sport, work, family commitments and socialising is also equally important.

Research shows that children’s development in secondary education is significantly influenced by the values families place on school, as well as the expectations and aspirations they have for them. Whilst, as teenagers move higher into their secondary education, parents become less connected to the school, partly because of the independence we wish to establish, however, it is always important to remember the role we all play in student learning.

A reminder that Mid Semester Reports will be available in PAM on Thursday 31 March (pm), with bookings for Parent Teacher Interviews Opening shortly after. All Interviews this term will be online via Teams, and the links will be available through the PAM portal.