
Year 7

Religious Education at St Joseph’s College nurtures the faith and spiritual development of our students. Through dialogue and learning opportunities, we develop the understanding of Christian traditions whilst recognising the diversity of faith in the world. Students learn about and strive to be faithful to the Edmund Rice Touchstones - Liberating Education, Gospel Spirituality, Inclusive Community and Justice and Solidarity. St Joseph’s College students are immersed in the story of Blessed Edmund Rice from the beginning of Year 7.

Year 8

At Year 8, students are enriched by a Religious Education program, which fosters the application of Edmund Rice Touchstones and Catholic Social Teaching to their own lives. Dialogue and learning opportunities challenge St Joseph’s students to act with kindness and compassion and have the courage to be ‘Upstanders’ for those who are on the margins. Students are invited to reflect on the importance of rituals, customs and traditions in their lives and in other faith traditions. The Christian mission of service, particularly in the local area, is central to the Year 8 program.


Year 9

Religious Education at St Joseph’s College aims to support our students in their development as self-aware, responsible, resilient young men, looking to Jesus Christ and Blessed Edmund Rice as role models. Religious Education at Westcourt allows the boys to reflect on their own journey, their connection to others in their local community and the impact they can have on the wider world, particularly as they transition from adolescence to manhood. They explore the importance of social justice, locally and globally. Students will also learn about local First Nations peoples, their culture, spirituality and how their beliefs connect with Christian values and traditions.

Mt Sion

Year 10

In Year 10 Religious Education, students explore rituals and practices from world religious communities and develop respect and understanding of those who come from other religious traditions. They reflect on actions of peace through a philosophy of non-violence and nurture respectful relationships. Students consider their impact on the world through their physical and on-line presence. They continue to develop their connection with Christian traditions and rituals such as Eucharist and prayer.

Year 11

In Year 11 at St Joseph’s College students undertake Religious and Society Unit 2: Religion and Ethics as a compulsory year – long subject. Ethics is concerned with discovering the perspectives that guide practical moral judgement. In this unit students study in detail various methods of ethical decision-making in at least two religious traditions and their related philosophical traditions. They explore ethical issues in societies where multiple worldviews coexist, in the light of these investigations. Students consider the aspects of different religions when exploring selected religious traditions and religion in general.

Year 12 Touchstones

Every EREA school strives to offer a ‘Liberating Education’, based on ‘Gospel Spirituality’, within an ‘Inclusive Community’, committed to ‘Justice and Solidarity’. At St Joseph’s College, each Year 12 student participates in this compulsory ‘Touchstones’ program where each of the four EREA touchstones is explored, discussed and reflected upon through a variety of activities. To provide a real-world context to each touchstone, guest speakers engage with students in presentations. Students are encouraged to find ways that they can apply the touchstones to their own lives and consider how they can continue to live the Edmund Rice charism once they graduate from St Joseph’s College. Throughout the year, academic and well-being topics are integrated into the Touchstone program, ensuring the mental, intellectual and spiritual lives of our students are nourished and nurtured.