Positive Tracking

Waterford, Westcourt and Mt Sion have each developed a set of ‘Values in Action’ that is age appropriate which set clear expectations for the students and teachers. We have a positive tracking system whereby teachers can list achievements and good behaviours linked to the set of norms which are usually recognized with certificates, vouchers at gatherings and assemblies. The tracking records will also guide leadership when selecting students for College Special Awards. The learning and behavioural norms are attached from Waterford, Westcourt and Mt Sion.

Waterford Values In Action

Westcourt Values in Action

Mt Sion Values in Action

Demerit Tracking

Our behaviour support involves a range of approaches including a behavioural tracking system whilst adopting a restorative approach to dealing with unacceptable behaviour or conflict. Restorative practices underpin all our thinking around student wellbeing with the focus being on students taking responsibility for their actions and repairing relationships that have been harmed. The behavioural tracking system is a strategy that is used in conjunction with Restorative Practices as a support mechanism that reminds students that some actions have consequences. 0-2 points may be given for tier 1 behaviours, 0-4 maybe given for tier 2 behaviours, 0-6 maybe given for tier 3 behaviours. Our behavioural support flow chart is attached.

Behavioural Support Flow chart

When continual indiscretions result in an accumulation of six points in a term a Thursday detention will be issued. Twelve points will incur a Saturday detention which takes priority over sporting and part-time work commitments. Half or full day detentions and parental interview are held on student free days in lieu of Saturday detentions for more serious behavioural incidents and/or a student has accumulated 20 demerit points. Students revert to zero points at the start of each term Detentions would normally follow a restorative discussion outlining why the particular behaviour is unacceptable and encouraging students to think about their actions and the impact they have had on themselves and others, and to think about what needs to happen to make things right. Parents will be informed if their son has accumulated points and is required for detention. Provisional enrolments may be issued when the College feels all of the above is not working. This is signed off from Deputy Principal - Students and Staff Wellbeing, the student and as a mechanism to have a positive impact on the behaviour standards.
A good way of developing a better learning environment is for everyone to show respect for the rights of others. The rights and responsibilities of students at St Joseph’s College are attached.