Term 1 has certainly flown past and it is hard to believe we are only a week out from school holidays!

Last night, our Parent Network “Open Night” was held and it was lovely to see new faces from across all year levels attend. Thanks to Tony Paatsch’s Principal’s update and an informative presentation from Cass Gleeson, Deputy Principal of Wellbeing (along with yummy catering and warm hospitality), parents left the evening with a greater understanding of what’s happening at the College. Cass outlined the various wellbeing programs on offer at each year level as well as exciting initiatives to tackle the social media platform issues that our boys are facing.

Please keep an eye out on the College socials as well as emails and the newsletter with our next meeting being held on 23 April. Looking forward to a restful Easter break as we plan some exciting events for Term 2.

Comedy Night

Our Comedy evening is tonight and ticket sales have been fantastic! It is going to be a fun night filled with laughs and great company with Pete Helliar and Des Dowling. There will be tickets available on the night so if you are free please come along. The bar will be open from 6:45pm and the show will start at 7:30pm.


Sasha Dickson
President, Parent Network