eSmart Week 2024: Empowering Tomorrow’s Digital Citizens, Today!

At SJC, we take a proactive approach to engaging our student’s as positive digital citizens, through our ICT code of conduct and our online eSafety program conducted in year 7 DigiTech classes and Wellbeing classes across all year levels. Additionally, we encourage students to uphold high personal standards online, stay safe, find a balance and think critically about online information.

Navigating the online world opens up so many opportunities for our young people, and as parents, your guidance is invaluable. Here are some suggestions to help you support your children in their digital journey:

  1. Model with empathy: Your online habits can inspire your children. Show them the value of kindness, privacy, and thoughtful sharing online. Additionally, demonstrate balance and self-discipline in relation to your own screentime and how you navigate social situations.
  2. Discuss positive digital citizenship: Help your children understand the importance of digital citizenship. It’s about being kind, protecting one’s privacy, and making positive choices online. Encourage them to support their peers and stand up against cyberbullying.
  3. Consider a Family Tech Agreement: Together with your children, create a family agreement that reflects shared values on online conduct, screen time, and privacy settings. Advice around games, apps and social media sites and settings can be found here: eSafety Guide. Taking a collaborative approach helps children feel involved and responsible.
  4. Stay engaged and informed: Keep the conversation about online activities ongoing. Technology changes quickly, digital trends come and go, and the rapid growth of AI technology is changing the digital landscape. Show interest in the digital trends your children are excited about and discuss the content they come across. The eSafety Commissioner regularly run parent webinars with up to date information:

For a wealth of more information and resources, consider the following:

Together, we can cultivate a caring and respectful digital world for our young people to grow in.