End of Year Information

The Westcourt Campus office will be closed from 14 December at 3.30pm and reopen on Monday the 29 January.

The Edmund Rice Campus office will be closed from Wednesday the 20 December at 12.00pm and reopen on Wednesday the 17 January.

Both Campuses will be closed on Friday 15 December.

Any donations of books or uniforms are more than welcomed. The College appreciates the support this allows us to provide families needing assistance.

In 2024 SJC will be employing a new staff member for the Westcourt Canteen. As Sharelle will be a staff member for SJC we are fortunate we can now have parents/carers/grandparents on site to volunteer in the Westcourt Canteen. An Operoo will be sent to Year 9 families in late January to ask if you can assist in the Canteen. You will be warmly welcomed with a cuppa and a great lunch. You will also have your child receive a canteen voucher to use at his leisure.

I ask all families to use the Parent Access Module (PAM) to enter absences for your child in 2024. This is our preferred method of notifying the College as it enters the absence directly onto our roll marking system. It also allows your son to sign in / out at reception without requiring parental notes and signatures of specific teaching staff.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of the families I have had communication with throughout the year. I wish you all a Blessed Christmas and look forward to supporting you and your children in 2024.

Bernerdene Carthew
SJC Office Manager