In the VITA class we have been planting native indigenous plants in the yard at St Joseph’s College. We started off with scoria rocks by placing them at the bottom so they can act as a water tank, then we added a shade cloth to stop the soil dirt getting through the pipe. We then added the top soil for covering and hay for mulch, after that we had to plant the plants. We planted a number of native indigenous plants these included: Kangaroo Apple (Solanum laciniatum), Myrnong/Yam Daisy (Microseris lanceolata), Midyim Berry (Austromhyrtus dulcis), Seaberry Saltbush (Rhagodia Candolleana), Bower Spinach (Tetragonia Implexicoma) and Pig Face (Carpobrotus Rossii).

One week later, we had an opening ceremony which involved some staff members and students. The VITA class will be maintaining these plants as an ongoing project.