In a non-COVID-19 world it can be very difficult to make time to read. Our lives are so busy with responsibilities, activities and distractions. During the previous time of lockdown and remote learning, many of the students and staff members reported that they had enjoyed a life that had been less busy, and that they had more time to read. They borrowed books from the library prior to remote learning, and borrowed from the eBook and eAudiobook collections during the remote learning period. Researcher Margaret Merga (2019), in Reading Engagement for Tweens and Teens, asks the question “What would make them read more?” Perhaps ‘time’ is one of the answers to this question. Merga writes about the benefits of reading, and states that if we want to be better at reading, that we need to practice it regularly. During this time of remote learning, and being less busy, we would like to encourage students to take some time to enjoy reading.!dashboard

The SJC library has a wide variety of formats and genres. As well as our print collections, we have extensive digital collections for learning and reading for enjoyment. From the library homepage, there is access to the following:

• Wheelers collection of thousands of eBooks and eAudiobooks – access on laptop or own device

• LibGuides including: subject guides; online encyclopedias and databases; research skills and assistance; wellbeing resources; lunchtime club information – Books and Movies; Creative IT

• The Age newspaper digital edition

• The State Library of Victoria resources for students

Library support for students

Contact the library team by clicking on the email link on the top left of the library homepage – see example at right. Ask for assistance:

• Accessing any of the collections: print or digital

• Research: accessing or using databases or online encyclopedias

• Referencing: how to reference resources using the library

Wheelers – examples of eBooks just added to our collection: