Over the past 2 years Year 7 student Harley has been busy lobbying for a much-needed new BMX track/skate park/ playground precinct in Meredith. He personally put forward a written proposal back in early 2020 in which he undertook surveys, created a design and consulted many families in the town about what they would like to see in this new precinct. Harley has also partnered with the local police officer to continue to rally the Council and promote the need for this space in his town, he also received a Golden Plains Youth Award last year for his outstanding efforts within the community.

Last Friday a phone call came through to inform Harley that his proposal has been approved and will receive a half a million dollars funding for the project in this upcoming budget. This is fantastic news for the town, and his family are super proud of his relentless work to get this across the line.

Harley attended the official announcement on Monday in Meredith with the Mayor and members of Parliament. Congratulations Harley! 

Read the full ABC news article on Harley by clicking the link below: 
