September - National Biodiversity month

7 September - National Threatened Species Day

7-14 September - National Organic Week

22 September - World Car-Free Day


Over the past fortnight, a mass planting of indigenous species has been carried out on the east embankment of Carey Oval, marking the completion of "Stage 4" of our Carey Oval Embankment Revegetation project (commencing 2017). What would arguably be one of the most challenging planting feats in our St Joseph's College history, Graham Stockturn (West Coast Indigenous Nursery), together with Phillip Hunter, successfully planted 160 trees on the steep slopes of the east embankment. In preparation, the seeds for our selected species were collected by Graeme in 2019 and were propagated to a viable size for planting this season. The species selected for the east embankment include; Drooping Sheoak (Allocasuarina verticillata); Lightwood (Acacia implexa); Melbourne Yellow Gum (Eucalyptus leucoxylon ssp. connata) and Wedge-leaf Hop-bush (Dodonea viscosa). We are very fortunate to have the expertise and ongoing support and guidance of Graeme Stockturn. I would like to take the opportunity to thank Graeme, and Phillip for their time and dedication involved in this project.


Over the past few weeks, semester two Year 10 Environmental Science students have undertaken the ecology research project; "What's In Your Backyard". With the intention of encouraging students to learn more about the natural world, students investigate the species living in their local vicinity. In addition, they conduct research for a nominated indigenous flora species planted at SJC and discover uses of native flora species by the Wadawurrung people. The unit culminates with a "Sir David Attenborough inspired" mini documentary on a species of their choice. Below is the culminating video on the Sea Rush by Year 10 student Jasper Girvan.