Identity News

Alleluia, Christ the light of world is Risen!

As we begin a new term, renewed and reinvigorated, we also renew our commitment to the risen Lord. Easter is not just a day that we have already celebrated, but a season of 50 days from Easter to Pentecost Sunday when we continue to celebrate the essence of our faith – the resurrection of Jesus. During the season of Lent, we were invited to spend time reflecting on Jesus' life and our Lenten commitments made on Ash Wednesday.

We concluded Term 1 as a whole College community gathered for our annual Easter Liturgy, focusing on the key events of Palm Sunday. We reflected on his passage to the cross, from his triumphal entry into Jerusalem. The liturgy was prepared by Belinda Milverton - Faith Development Coordinator, and the re-enactment was produced by Drama Teacher - Janine McLean, along with our College Captain Michael Ahearn, Deputy Captains Kaine Shaw and Jude Payne and our Gospel and Spirituality Touchstone Leaders. It was an engaging, powerful and moving performance. We were also grateful for the support of some staff in key roles, the Year 8 Drama class and our Vocal Ensemble.

The resurrection means that Jesus not only defeated death for himself, but that he defeated it for us. He died and rose as a new representative for humanity. The resurrection is the most significant day on the Church’s calendar as it proves his divinity, that Jesus is God, along with the Father and the Holy Spirit. The Resurrection of Jesus is the crowning truth of our faith in Christ.

So, what began on Palm Sunday, ended on the following Sunday. A transformative week in the lives of those that lived it and for us, those that remain. It’s a moment in time that is considered the most central event for Christians everywhere.

At present, in our country recently, we have much to reflect on in solidarity with all people who wish to practice their faith of all kinds, to learn and connect with our weekly Gospel readings to nurture and nourish our mind, spirit and souls.

In Luke’s Gospel on Sunday, we heard the following words as Jesus appeared to his disciples:

While they were still speaking about this, he stood in their midst and said to them,

‘Shalom! Peace be with you.’

The word ‘shalom’ means ‘with God, all is right in the world’.

How can we bring a sense of ‘shalom’ to others in our lives? (Luke 24: 35)

In our Daily Prayer in our Homerooms this week we used the letters of the word to help us reflect. For example:

S – Show forgiveness to others

H – Help others whenever you can

A – Adopt a hope-filled attitude to life

L – Love others as you want to be loved

O – Open your mind and heart to others

M – Make the Gospel message your own.

Let us go ahead this term in faith and trust, to live out our theme to, ‘Shine a light through Service’ and share peace with others.

This term we look forward to our Year 12 students participating in their Renewal Touchstone Program on 1 to 3 May, Edmund Rice Day on 8 May our Year 8 Renewals on 27 and 28 May.

Community Connections Day

During the holidays, Rachel Ivey, our Refugee Coordinator, with support from Leah Irving, our Service Learning Coordinator, organised a very successful Community Connections Day which was hosted at St Joseph’s College. It took place last Thursday which enabled us to welcome 55 students from a diverse range of multicultural communities with staff from Cultura to enjoy an engaging program of activities and generous Joey's hospitality. Cultura Geelong, connect, inspire and embrace culturally diverse individuals throughout their life journey. They provide a support network and a unified voice for multicultural communities in Greater Geelong. They offer services in settlement services, youth and community programs, arts programs and cultural events, community services and aged care.

It was a very positive experience for all of the students and the many students participating in service learning and there was much gratitude from staff attending from across Cultura, Sacred Heart College, Iona College and St Ignatius College. Our St Joseph’s College staff and students were very welcoming and generous in their time and in sharing the Eddy Rice spirit on the day. 

The refugee Community Connections Day was one of the most fun days we have had this year. It was fun meeting and learning about new people and their stories. The activities were so much fun and everyone was working well with each other. It is such a good day to do your community service hours.
Fedel Haddad 8E

The Community Connections Day was a wonderful experience which helped me connect the lives of younger kids, the positive environment the kids brought was lots of laughter and a lot of bright smiles which made the whole program worth being in. The diverse community the program brought showed that SJC and other Catholic schools are very respectful and we all treat each other like we would treat our family / friends. Myself and the other volunteers made new friendships with the little kids, I will treasure the fond memories of the kids as well as our newly formed friendships.
Jhayferson Jimenez Brophy H

On the Community Connections Day, I was a student helper. I helped with meeting and playing the games with kids within my team. It was an enjoyable experience. I got to meet kids that had different passions than me, broadening my knowledge and opinions. For example, many kids in my team were fans of Cristiano Ronaldo and we had a few others who liked Lionel Messi, this created good banter between the group and the kids loved it, as it entertained them a lot, as well as doing the activities. Soccer was a big hit as they got to show their passion.
Ari Turner Brophy D

On Thursday 11 April, I participated in the 'Community Connections Day', I had spent the day with kids from different ages from 6-14, spending the day doing different activities. My group started off making chocolate and coconut truffles, then after morning tea went over to the P.A.C. to have fun using the green screen, after my group moved over to the library to do a friendship bead making activity. I had made such a good connection with this kid from Grade 3, Seah, so when we were at the bead making station, Seah had made me a bracelet. After having a BBQ lunch, we headed to the new Year 7 basketball courts to play mixed games like egg on a spoon race and tunnel ball, then to finish off our day, we had a couple of good games of soccer before saying good bye.
Lucas De Stefano Butler D

Mary Malone
Director of Identity