Deputy News

Preparing for the VCE Exams

Thanks to all the students and staff who attended the VCE Revision lectures during the first week of the September holidays. These lectures serve as an invaluable resource in enhancing our student's understanding of the subjects they are studying. By participating in these sessions, students gained the opportunity to review and consolidate the material covered in class, filling any gaps in their knowledge. The experienced lecturers provided unique insights, exam strategies, and real-world applications that can support exam preparation.

Similarly, we were very proud of those students who attended the practice exam sessions during the holidays. These simulated exams are an indispensable tool in preparing for the upcoming exams which begin in late October. They not only assess student knowledge, but also simulate the exam conditions, familiarising our students with the format, time constraints, and pressure of the actual examinations. Practising under exam-like conditions allows for self-assessment, identifying strengths and weaknesses, and honing time management skills. Furthermore, it offers an opportunity for students to receive constructive feedback from their teachers, enabling them to fine-tune their study strategies and focus on areas that require improvement. Practice examination results should be available for parents to view in PAM.

All students who are sitting a Unit 3-4 Examination have been provided with a pdf version of the VCE Exam Navigator. A copy of this can be found using the link to the navigator.


For students studying VCE in 2024, we release an Early English Booklist, to ensure our students have their English novels before Headstart and access to reading them over the holidays. Early English Booklists will be released mid October. All other VCE and VCE VM Booklists will be issued in the first week of November. From 7 November, Years 8,9 and 10 Booklists will be available on the College website and are due before 13 December to ensure students have the resources they need before the start of next year.

Important Learning Dates for the Term

23 November - Year 10 and 11 Exams begin

24 November - All students have a study day from home

27 - 29 November - Year 8, 9 10 and 11 Exams

30 November - Headstart begins

7 December - Last student day.

11 December - VCE Results released

12 December - Year 7 - 11 Reports available on PAM

13 December - Online Booklists due

Lisa Pope
Deputy Principal - Learning