Josephines Spring Luncheon

We had an amazing turnout for the Josephines Lunch on the first day of Spring out at Lonsdale Links. With 75 Josephines in the room there was a lot of catching up, a delicious lunch, a Special guest in Father Emma from our Vocational School in Kensekka along with an update about the College from our Principal and a we were lucky enough to have a very cute fluffy guest in Bronson (SJC therapy dog) and Mel Dobson from the SJC Clinical team.

The Josephines are a group of past Mum’s who get together twice a year to catch up, raise money for the Learning Diversity area of the College and hear from a variety of guest speakers who have been part of our College through some way or form. Every year a new group of Mum’s join our very special, unique group of Josephine’s when their sons graduate from the College. Our next catch up is on Thursday 7 March at Truffleduck for dinner, pop it in your calendars and keep an eye out for emails early in 2024.

Any questions about the Josephine’s please don’t hesitate to email Jodie Warrick [email protected] or via a call 5226 8122

Jodie Warrick
Events and Community Engagement Coordinator