I am proud to be a teacher at St Joseph’s College and one reason for this is our strong culture of Service Learning. Service Learning is strongly connected to the EREA touchstone of Justice and Solidarity, “We are committed to justice and peace for all, grounded in a spirituality of action and reflection that calls us to stand in solidarity with those who are marginalised and the earth itself.”

Over the past three years, much has changed in this area. New initiatives have been introduced, the logistics of how service learning hours are recorded, and the way in which we recognize students who have gone above and beyond expectations have evolved.

Given the many challenges presented by the pandemic, a show of solidarity exhibited through volunteering allows our students to remain socially connected whilst maintaining social distancing. It is very important for the students, and those we have committed to help, that we continue to offer service learning opportunities. It is expected that EVERY student at EVERY year level undergoes THREE service learning hours in a St Joseph’s College initiative (ie a Breakfast Club program).

Our Coordinator, Ms Leah Irving, has been creative in ensuring these opportunities have been adapted to suit these COVID times. Such initiatives include:

  1. Winter Sleep Out: Over 500 students, staff and families have already slept rough at home to raise awareness of people experiencing homelessness. Students are welcomed and encouraged to sleep rough, fundraise and donate until Monday 16 August. Personal hygiene items will be donated to, and distributed, by volunteers at Lazarus Community Centre and to women and children through the Geelong Sexual Assault & Family Violence Centre.
  2. SJC Care Group: families can cook for those within our College community experiencing hardships.
  3. Breakfast Clubs: at Northern Bay Secondary College and St Thomas Aquinas Primary School have continued to be supported by Year 8 and 9 Homeroom teachers and students (when restrictions have permitted).
  4. Mac & Joe’s: students, staff and families have been cooking on campus and at home for McKellar Centre palliative care at-home patients and their carers.
  5. Car wash for Caritas: had many Year 12 students accepted the invitation to wash staff cars to raise funds for Caritas in a House challenge. Butler won!
  6. Treat People with Kindness Month: In February Waterford students were supported in the completion of their compulsory hours through participating in a month of kindness. Completing random acts of kindness and following it up with reflection students were introduced to the culture of kindness we foster at the College. It was hoped they were inspired to continue giving to others throughout the year.
  7. Online activities and advocacy projects were also on offer to celebrate International Women’s Day, Refugee Week and Ambulance Victoria’s online CPR education program.

Please encourage your son to get involved in Service Learning activities and to register his three hours. Once your son has undergone his activity he needs to submit a form (via SIMON). His hours will be registered in his SIMON profile - Social Behaviour- Commendations. Each hour of Service Learning equates to one House point. If your son achieves 15 House points, through participating in Service Learning initiatives, he will be awarded a House Pin to be worn on his blazer.