Principal's Video Blog

COVID era challenges continued in recent weeks with remote learning and the constant need to adjust to shifting rules and expectations. I would like to record my gratitude to all of our College Community for the flexibility and cooperation shown in the rapid transition into and out of remote learning. While I don’t have a crystal ball I think is unlikely to be the last time we are required to make this transition. Since remote learning was forced upon us last year I have maintained the view that, while there are major challenges, there is a significant silver lining with young people developing their time management and ability to learn more independently. Two important skills for the world beyond school.

On an international level, we often hear that educational standards in Australia are falling relative to those in other parts of the world, particularly some parts of Asia and the Nordic region. At a recent conference interesting figures were presented suggesting that while Singapore, Korea, Taiwan and Finland score highest in standardized maths testing, their students record the lowest scores on ‘perceived entrepreneurial capability'.

Australia sits in about the middle of the field with moderate maths scores and moderate levels of perceived intrapreneurial capability. There is a strong argument to be made that young people with a balance of mathematical and intrapreneurial capability are better equipped than those with high levels of one and little of the other.

The same presenter provided some interesting figures about factors influencing the amount of time it took a young person to obtain full-time employment after their full-time education ceased. Two of the most significant factors were ‘enterprise skills’ and ‘an optimistic mindset’, both of which are the outcome of PBL teaching methodology done well. The author concluded, “Young people who are able to build transferable enterprise skills, such as problem-solving, communication and teamwork through formal education can accelerate their transition to full-time work by 17 months.”

Our goal at St Joseph’s is to ensure that every young man graduates with the capability and commitment to be successful and make a difference in the world. Our commitment to effective project based learning methodology helps us realise this goal.

There have been some developments in recent weeks on the College grounds. The project to develop the lower floor of the Peter Chanel Centre has commenced. Our builders, PLAN Group have commenced with establishment of the worksite and we expect the project to be completed in early September. The College has also purchased the dwelling at 1 Leslie Lane. This house sits on the College side of the lane behind the Heritage Centre adjacent to Zampatti oval. There are no immediate plans for the development of this site. The Carey Oval pavilion project is currently out to tender and we hope that work will commence in the coming weeks.

And to finish… a question for all within our community. What will you BE? Answers to be provided by you from June 14.

God Bless