In the second last week of school, the third and final group of Year 7 Homerooms enjoyed their camp experience at Lake Dewar, Myrniong. On all three camps the boys got to enjoy a range of activities including the dual flying fox, adventure tunnelling, kayaking and jetty jump, stand up paddle-boarding, raft building, fire building, damper making (and eating with gusto), mountain bike riding and a gorge walk. All students participated enthusiastically in the various activities, and were positive and respectful in the way they interacted with the teachers and YMCA staff. There were plenty of terrific conversations, new relationships forged or strengthened and many fun times. A huge thank you to all the staff involved who helped make the camp experience a memorable one for the students.

Mr Malone and Ms Roche

Some student highlights from 7J:

Tome – The rafting where it all came apart and we had to hold on to the logs to get them across the river. Trivia night was fun.

Hugo – Raft building because you had to be creative. It was fun when our boat fell apart and we had to swim. We got to build a fire and eat some damper.

Mr Harmon – Conquering the flying fox after all these years . . . and doing it four times!!

Jack – Mountain biking, the downhills were fast. The gorge walk was great

Will and Toby – The flying fox was great; the gorge walk was cool and you got to cross the river in a boat

Bono - Flying fox because it was fun and exciting

Oliver M - Stand up paddle-boarding, mountain bike riding and flying box – all of them

Rod – Adventure tunnelling – fun and adventure with friends, mystery and working together; flying fox because I’ve never done it before