School photos are fast approaching and are scheduled to take place during Term 3. While the current Government restrictions do not allow photos to occur, we are hoping these will ease in the coming weeks. We are planning to begin with our Year 12 portrait photos however the latest COVID-19 restrictions have impacted our original scheduled date. All other photos are scheduled to occur in the final week of Term 3. Below are the dates for the school photos:

Year 12 Portrait Photos –  Due to the latest COVID-19 Restrictions we are working on a rescheduled date for the Year 12 Portrait Photos

Year 7-11 Portrait Photos – Monday 13 September

Family Photos – Monday 13 September

Group & Sport Photos –14 & 15 September

It is important that all students are in their winter uniform for the day of their photos (College blazer, long sleeve shirt, long pants and tie). Year 12’s will be wearing their commemorative tie. On the day of their photos, students will receive a flyer with instructions on how families can order photos from Arthur Reed.